After an early, 4.30am start we arrived in Belfast. The weather as we stepped out of the aircraft was pleasant and there was a hint of farmland in the air. The flight wasn’t bad, just short of an hour from Luton. We boarded the express airport link bus to the city centre.
We got to the centre just before 10am and we noticed, unlike at home at this time, it was eerily quiet! Nevertheless, we headed to the hotel, dragging our noisy case behind us.
The hotel was called Bullit Hotel and it was pretty cool. We left our case with the reception and headed out to explore.
While we experienced our very first Tim Hortons we looked into why the city was still so quiet, even at 11.30am. It turns out that Sunday trading in Belfast was only allowed from 1pm until 6pm, so that explained it. However, if we had known that we wouldn’t have made the effort to get there extra early in order to make the most of a full day!
One thing we noticed about Belfast was just how much Graffiti there was, some really good and some not so good, but I suppose each to their own taste.
We explored some more before the shops opened and slowly the place came alive and it was a really nice place to be, but we were tired so we decided to go to a juice bar called Juice Jar and ordered some healthy smoothies which really helped perk us up.
After looking around the shops we decided to head back to the hotel, check in and relax in the room for a bit. We booked into the hotel restaurant called Taylor & Clay Grill for their take on a Sunday roast, it was basically a steak with the usual veg that comes with a roast, but it was absolutely delicious.
Afterwards we ventured into another one of the hotel’s bars called Rattlebag. It was a modern cocktail bar with a very relaxed vibe. The music they played really set the mood and the drinks choice was simple yet professional. I really enjoyed my time there, and got a bit tipsy on the drink!